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SK Sakib
Apr 12, 2022
In General Discussions
It starts, she says, with establishing clear Whatsapp Number List as an organization or department. Until you have those, you can never hire the right people. It is not without reason that this is also the basis of award - winning labor communication . But do you also realize that we as managers, entrepreneurs and organizations are all fishing in the same pond, Whatsapp Number List is also almost empty. And don't say you already know that. Then why are you still recruiting in the same way as a year ago? You won't find the sheep with the five legs, so stop Whatsapp Number List for it! Of course, a good salary and favorable fringe benefits play a role in recruiting and selecting new employees. But it is also about your approach and mindset Whatsapp Number List long selection process increases the chance that candidates will accept another job in the meantime. Often people Whatsapp Number List several applications running side by side. You won't find the sheep with the five legs, so stop looking for it! Today, recruitment & selection also requires a critical Whatsapp Number List at what you really need. What is need to have and what is nice to have ? Don't look for a candidate who resembles your current top employee. And certainly not to a copy of yourself. Instead, look for people who add to your current team or department. For example, I like to keep up the Whatsapp Number List with projects. Someone who is more into the details complements me in that area. Also read: Are you looking for good applicants now that the market is tight?

SK Sakib

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